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(first paragraphs copied from my discussion page)

As a new French Helper I'm trying to revive French communities and I'm in charge of all the French projects : French Wikia, French Starter, ...
The page I deleted has been modified for the latest at the beginning of this year, since then a lot of things has been done on Wikia.
I have still in mind to check French Starter and I considered what help this page could afford us but I couln't determine for sure what on it was still true. I took the choice to delete it and restart from nothing : missing things, things to improve, etc. Maybe that's the wrong choice but I can still retrieve this page if I need to.
Thank you for your advice. Wyz décembre 5, 2010 à 02:31 (UTC)

Hi Robin! Nice to talk with you again!
Hi Wyz, ok, I agree with you but in that case, we should delete fr.starter (or archive it) and restart from nothing to.
What do you both think about that?
--Cywil décembre 11, 2010 à 17:45 (UTC)
Deleting fr.starter seems to be quite extreme. I think we can improve it the way it is right now. Wyz décembre 11, 2010 à 21:18 (UTC)
I agree with the last comment from Wyz. Cywil's idea would have us spend more hundreds of hours reinventing much the same wheel. Starter Français still seems to be very like how it was the last time I looked at it, and is presumably still being used as the starter package for new French-language Wikia sites (saving each wiki founder hundreds of hours of tedious work. The Starter page on this wiki was a valid and useful page; I suggest that it be revived as a brief guide to what fr.starter is about. — Robin Patterson (Talk) décembre 12, 2010 à 01:55 (UTC)
Thank you for answering. I never said that the page I deleted won't be revived, a Starter guide is a good thing. The idea I had was to write it again based on the actual fr.starter. I didn't do it yet as I'm waiting to finish to check and complete translation of French messages. Wyz décembre 12, 2010 à 10:04 (UTC)
Marc had a great idea. He created a new French wiki based on the actual English starter. So we have now two French starters : the current used one and a beta one. The tasks are to translate this new one and to add elements coming from the current one. So when we'll consider that this starter can go live we will replace the current one with the new one. I'll try to revive the page I deleted with this information soon. Wyz décembre 14, 2010 à 20:40 (UTC)